
Eticania.org - THE BLOG


Following the media, one might come to the conclusion that nowadays the world is almost completely filled with violence, selfishness, hatred and suffering. But is it really as it appears? Wasn’t there always in the history of mankind somewhere an ‘issue’ with peaceful coexistence on earth? However, global network places us today in the situation to ‘attend’ all incidents closely and instantly.

On the other hand, there were also always ‘the others’: human beings concerned about the weaker, eager to preserve our environment and secure peace with tolerance and open mind. Although they are distributed all around the globe, there are not just a few! They are many, they are present, they are strong! Wouldn’t it be fantastic to bring them all closer together, working side-by-side for a better world?!

These pages are designed as a platform for precisely those people! Ethics has no limits – no country boundaries, no religion, no race, no gender limitation, no language barrier. Ethical thinking is the deep conviction that every living being has the right to a free – pain free, fear free, free in thought – and healthy life.

None of us is unfailable, but each of us should strive to improve. Let’s set off together without prejudices.

With this in mind and heart, I hope for a lively exchange!

Truly yours


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